Ruza Spak was born in Poland
She studied painting in Academie of Art Hamburg
Academie Berlin, DAAD Stipendium Italy Rome.
Artnet AWC
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel in Cicero Magazin Juni 2012Polnischer Ministerpräsident Donald Tusk,für Europa Preis für politische Kultur
Selected Group Exibitions
2012 "Take Me to the River", Musée des Tapisseries. 2012. Aix-en-Provence, France.
2010 "Monuments in Time", Beijing, China (Einladung | Homepage)
2009 "Foxtrott Saxonia" Kunsthalle Dresden, Dreseden, Germany
"Take Me to the River" DEPO, Istanbul, Turkey
2008 "Art Fair 21 Köln" Galerie Barbara von Stechow, Cologne, Germany
"Mountainview" Michael Schultz Galerie,Seoul,Korea
"Joachim Bayer, Christiane Erdmann, Ruza Spak" Galerie Barbara von Stechow, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
2007 "Salzmond" Kunstraum Klosterkirche, Traunstein
2006 "Take Me to the River"Wichita Falls Art Museum, Texas
2005 "Take Me to the River" Museum of Modern Art, Pretoria, South Africa
"Faces of the Fallen" Woman Musem in Arlington National Cemetary, Virginia, USA
2003 "Take Me to the River"The Millenium Arts Center, Washington D.C. USA
2002 "Take me to the River" Cairo, Egypt (www.takemetotheriver.org)
Selected Solo Exibitions
2006 "196 Galleria" Rome, Italy
2005 German Ambassador's Residence, London United Kingdom
2002 Emory University, Claus M Halle Institute, Atlanta USA
2001 Goethe Institut Washington D.C. USA
2000 Kunstverein Schering, Berlin, Germany
1998 Texas Union Art Gallery, Austin,Tx,USA
1997 Fitzpatrick,Troyer,Lassman Gallery,WashingtonD.C. USA
(experimental Movies)1980-1983, Kino Arsenal Berlin,Germany, Goethe Institut London,
Hallwals New York, SFB Berlin "Projektionen" Berlin,Germany
1992-1996- Screenplays ,Nova Produktion,WDR,Bavaria, Germany